
Your 安全 team at 野云雀 wants every driver to have a safe winter season. 这里有一些小贴士可以帮助你度过冬天.

  1. A properly maintained coolant system is the key to your truck’s heating system; please have your coolant tested for its freezing point.
  2. It is imperative to ensure that your air dryer is functioning correctly, as the air dryer’s job is to prevent condensation from getting into your system and freezing. When properly working it decreases the odds of malfunctioning brakes and valves within your entire air-driven system.
  3. 在寒冷的条件下, use a lower viscosity oil to ensure that it will maintain its viscosity in extremely cold temperatures to prevent damage to lubricated parts.
  4. When in temperatures below 20° F, use a fuel additive such as Power Service or Howell anti gel.
  5. Always keep extra washer fluid with you, as you will go through a lot of it this season. Keep a few bottles of rubbing alcohol on hand and add it to your washer fluid to prevent washer fluid from freezing. 
  6. 在卡车的驾驶室里,放些水和干货或罐头食品. 如果你被困在封闭的道路上, 你会有食物和水来帮助你渡过难关.
  7. Be sure to carry appropriate clothing for the area you will be running in - and plenty of it. Many of you will remember the polar vortexes we had last winter, even into the extreme south. 
  8. Extra blankets or even a sleeping bag could save your life in an extreme blizzard.
  9. 在恶劣天气下,至少要保持油箱半满. 为什么? 因为油箱越空, the more likely that condensation will appear and thus the greater chances of your fuel gelling.
  10. Check the weather often for the area you are headed to, and plan accordingly.
  11. 如果在西部各州竞选, 确保每个州都有所需的链条,以避免罚款.
  12. 最重要的是, 如果你觉得在目前的天气状况下旅行不安全, 靠边停车,等到安全了再继续装货. If you need to stop, notify your dispatch so they can communicate with our customers.

再一次, your 野云雀 安全 team members want each and every one of you to have a very safe winter season.


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